Foundation runs Late Shri Haribhai V. Desai oldage home, Shri Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal oldage home,
Smt. Icharjbai Chunilal Khinvansara oldage home at Ambi Ranwadi, Block Velhe, District Pune about 45 kms
from Pune city 2 kms prior to Khadakvasala dam in pollution free location. Together they serve more than 150
senior citizens.
These oldage home have all the facilities including central kitchen and dinning hall. The food served is
vegetarian. There are few physiotherapy equipment, golf carts to move in the campus when programs are
arranged for them in our Rural Hub. Medical care is available 24 X 7 hrs. as they are in the same premises
as our rural and eye hospital, nursing school & nurses hostel and mobile medical units.
Foundation has constructed 4th oldage home 'Late Shri Haribhai V. Desai Oldage Home Wing – II' an affordable
oldage home. There are 16 double occupancy rooms mostly for couples. Each room is well furnished with 2
beds, cupboard, refrigerator, TV, Computer, Microwave oven.
Late Shri Haribhai V Desai Oldage Home Wing II affordable Oldage Home has all the modern amenities. If required care taker is provided. There is a common hall / kitchen where vegetarian food is served or it can be delivered in the room. Beneficiary pays one time donation and monthly charges towards, accommodation, food etc. Income generated is utilized to support free elderly living in foundation’s other Oldage Homes.
In 2000 Foundation inaugurated a Day Care Center at Shewale Hospital Premises at Aundh Road at the
auspicious hands of Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad,
in the presence of late Padmavibhushan Dr. Mohan Dharia.
There we arrange free medical check up camp, stitch clothes for the slum children, take their tuitions,
collect donations during natural calamities e.g. Tsunami, Gujarat Earthquake etc. Members arrange
picnics and participate in various programmes.
Members say that spending time in Day Care Centre is spending Golden Years for enjoying life, playing
games, laughing with other members as friends.
Some dignitaries that visited the centre include Dr. Yitzack Brick, Dr. Sharadchandra Gokhale, Ms. Irene Hoskins, (Former Presidents, IFA), Dr. Jane Barratt, Secretary General, IFA, Dr. Kunal Bagchi and Mrs. Neena Raina, WHO, Hon’ble P.C. Alexander, then Governor of Maharashtra, Joseph Troisi, Dy. Director, International Institute of Aging United Nations Malta, Ms. Rosemary Lane, UN program on ageing, Ms. Lim Kin-Lan, Director, Social Development Division, ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand.
In order to improve the quality of life of elders Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJ&E), Government of India, is running the Regional Resource and Training centres (RRTCs) through various NGOs. NGOs doing exemplary work in the field of elderly care are chosen to be RRTCs for specific region of India.
Janaseva Foundation’s RRTC is operating in states of Maharashtra (Vidarbha region), Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Div & Daman. It was inaugurated by Hon'ble Shri Rajkumar Badole, Minister, Social Justice and Special Assistance, Govt. of Maharashtra on 19th August 2016. It conducts 1 day sensitization programmes in various schools and colleges, 3 & 5 days training programmes on Elderly Care & Alzheimer and 3 months training on Geriatric Care. It also reports to MSJ&E about working conditions of various Old Age Homes after visiting them and inspection.
Staff employed under Integrated Programme for Senior Citizens
Name | Gender | Category | Educational Qualification | Designation |
Dr. B.T. Lawani | Male | Open | MSW, Mphil, PhD | Project Director |
Mr. Bharat Ambadas Gaikwad | Male | SC | MSW | Project Co-ordinator |
Mr. Jayvant Mantri | Male | Open | M.Com | Program Officer cum Accountant |
Mr. Shahaji B. Bore | Male | SC | MA | Data Operator |
Mr. Ashok V. Mandavkar | Male | Open | B.Com | Multipurpose |
Name | Gender | Category | Educational Qualification | Designation |
Dr. B.T. Lawani | Male | General | MSW, Mphil, PhD | Project Director |
Mr. Sunil Kathare | Male | SC | BA, MSW | Project Coordinator |
Mr. Jayvant Mantri | Male | General | Post Graduate | Program Officer cum Accountant |
Mr. Ashok Madavkar | Male | General | Graduate | Support Staff |
Ms. Kiran Karnik | Female | Open | CA Final Year | Accountant |
Janaseva Foundation has signed MOU with Tata Institute of Social Sciences and conducted 3 Geriatric Care Training courses of 4 months duration under this and under Regional Resource Training Centre conducted 2 courses of 3 months duration and will conduct courses of 6 month’s duration. After training is complete the successful candidates are provided placement on good salary.
Janaseva Foundation has started “Century Club” for the senior citizens aged 75 and above. These clubs give an opportunity to senior citizens to meet other senior citizens from the same age group. Senior Citizens aged below 75 years can become volunteers for these clubs and help in arranging various programs. Due to mobility problems faced by the elderly and to involve more elderly from different suburbs of Pune foundation.
A well equipped Rural Hub at Ambi was inaugurated on 9th November 2009 at the hands of Dr. Narendra Jadhav, then Member of Planning Commission of India. Later it was renamed as Mrs. Kanchanben Hirabhai Shah (Chokhawala) Sanskrutik Bavan. It consists of a big hall having audio video equipments. Yoga Classes, Cultural and musical programmes, Bhajans are conducted regularly. Conferences and seminars are arranged along with some lectures. Mural Centre of Savitribai Phule Pune University helps us in this.
PDr. Vinod Shah and Mrs. Meena Shah had participated in Age Friendly City workshop arranged by WHO in May 2010 in Melbourne, and thereafter pursued this matter with Pune Municipal Corporation and with Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad, then Chief Secretary, Maharashtra State. The draft of developing cities into Age Friendly Cities was submitted to Pune Municipal Corporation for Pune city and to Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad for other cities of Maharashtra. Shri Gaikwad then brought out circular with instructions to many Municipal Corporations of Maharashtra State to make their cities Age Friendly.
Elderly Abuse is a major issue afflicting senior citizens at National and International Level. In India through misuse of 498 A and Domestic Violence Law senior citizens are put straight in jail on mere complain of malicious daughter in law. To combat this, foundation along with IFA, ILC-I, FESCOM, ASCOP, Bharatiya Yoga Sansthan, Chaitanya Hasya Club and SIFF, various lawyers, prominent personalities had arranged workshop on Elderly Abuse on February 26th, 2011, which was followed by many meetings and the draft of amendment was prepared and was sent to law minister, home minister and other concerned officials. Dr. Vinod Shah even met former President of India Hon’ble Pratibhatai Patil and the law minister. Now Janaseva Foundation has recently written a letter in this regard to Hon’ble Narejdraji Modi, Prime Minister of India.
Since 2003 foundation celebrates 1st October the World Senior Citizens Day by organizing a mega get-together of senior citizens. The programme features a range of informative and cultural programmes and distinguished senior citizens aged 75 years and above are felicitated. More than 3000 senior citizens from Pune, surrounding area and other parts of Maharashtra participate in this Programme.
To initiate cooperation and exchange of information and to build united platform for various issues of elderly Janaseva Foundation, Lions Clubs of Pune. Pune Municipal Corporation, International Longevity Centre – India, International Federation on Agein, Harmony, Help Age, Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations of Pune (ASCOP), Federation of Senior Citizens’ Organisations of Maharashtra (FESCOM), Dignity Foundation etc. were some of the participants.